How Much Alimony Will I Get

How Much Alimony Will I  Get?

Alimony Reward Amount Factors in North Carolina

Researching alimony laws may prove especially difficult when we’re in the middle of a trying divorce. So, we’ve decided to sum up all of the legalities of the state of North Carolina. Hopefully, this will make leaving an unhappy marriage at least a little easier. What are the factors that affect how much alimony one will receive in North Carolina, then?
Firstly, the court will consider the age of each spouse, as well as their physical and mental health. Those will affect each of their earning potentials. Also, the court may review other sources of the spouses’ earnings, including medical benefits, retirement, insurance, etc.

One of the most important issues in these cases is whether there’s been marital wrongdoing. That includes failure to provide for a spouse despite having the means to, physical violence, and cheating. It may also include separation due to a spouse committing a crime or financial wrongdoing. Committing any of these acts will influence the amount of money a spouse needs to pay.

Next, the court will take into account the length of the marriage, as well as any children the couple had. This is especially important if one spouse is assigned to be the primary caretaker of the children.

Naturally, the lifestyle of the spouses before and during the marriage will also be a part of the decision. So, things that were brought into the marriage and the couple’s standard of living. And, even the individual needs of the spouses. Both spouses’ belongings and responsibilities, as well as their debt requirements also factor into the alimony reward decision.

Another determining factor to the alimony amount is whether one spouse financially supported the education and increased the earning potential of the other. Also, the court may partly base its decision on whether one spouse took on the role of homemaker. Additionally, they may consider the current educational levels of each spouse and the time it would take to get the training necessary to meet their economic needs.

Finally, the court could take into account any tax outcomes of the alimony reward, as well as any other relevant economic conditions of both spouses, such as marital or divisible property.
We hope that this will help couples heading for divorce understand all of the components that play into a court’s decision regarding the amount of alimony reward. If you need more in depth answers, please don't  hesitate to call us or fill out our contact form.

Want to learn more? Learn how alimony works in North Carolina.

Learn Alimony Basics

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If you are wondering how long the divorce process is going to take or how much the trial will cost you, please do not hesitate to schedule a consultation at our Wilmington Office. Our office is located at 1015 Ashes Drive, Suite 104. We can help you map out the details of your divorce, giving you a powerful defense. Please call to schedule a consultation.
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